Walcha Telecottage
A not-for profit community based organisation providing vital technological services to Walcha and district, including The Apsley Advocate weekly community newsletter.
Walcha Telecottage is Australia's first Telecentre, opening on 4th July 1992. We are a not-for-profit community based organisation providing vital technological services to Walcha and district.

Community Newspaper
The Apsley Advocate which is delivered free to all households in Walcha and district.
view issues

Services Australia Agency
We are trained agents here to help you access Medicare, Centrelink and Child Support services.

A large range of high quality full colour printing services.
view Rates

Secretarial Services
Secretarial services, including desktop publishing, business documents, faxing, photocopying, binding and laminating

computer hire
If you are travelling, and simply want to check your emails; or are passing through on business, the Walcha Telecottage offers this high quality technology to you, as your office away from home.

Office Space Hire
Walcha Telecottage does not receive any Government funding, and is very grateful for the vital support it receives from the community for these services.